Orlando, Florida

US $9,250,000 | 5.54% Return Per Year

Price/Precio: US $9,250,000

Property/ Propiedad: Retail Plaza

Location/Ubicación: Orlando

Area/Área: 18,424 Sq. Ft = 1,726 m²

Lot Size/Terreno: 11,2384 Sq. ft = 10,440

Year Built/Año: 2008


Contract/Contrato: Multiple Tenants/Varios Inquilinos

Gross Income/Ingreso Grueso: US $562,764

Rented/Ocupación: 90%


NOI/Ingreso Neto: US $513,300

CAP/Retorno: 5.54%


Note: If 100% rented, the CAP would be over 6.00%



20764 W Dixie Hwy

Aventura, FL 33180

United States

Phone: (954) 260-2778

Email: cissacamargo@eliteinternational.com