NNN Popeyes – Crestview (Pensacola), FL

- Price: US $ $2,292,000
- Property Type: Free standing
- Occupancy: 100%
- CAP: 5.75%
- Building Area: approx. 2,265 SF =210 m²
- Lot: approx. 30,056 = 2,751 m²
- NOI: US $131,839 Final rent amount will be determined from final construction costs, not to exceed $131,839
- Annual Expenses: 0 (Zero) NNN- Tenant responsible for all expenses including property tax, insurance and maintenance
- Contract Terms: 15 years Estimated Opening date of March 2019
- Increases: 10% every 5 year
- Extensions: 5- 5 years’ options
- Guarantor: Franchisee – SAILORMEN, INC. (Founded in 1987, is a Popeyes franchisee headquartered in
- Miami FL that currently operates 130+ unit Popeyes in Florida, Georgia. Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. Sales for 2016 exceeded $185 million. The ownership group has several other restaurant interests including Taco Bell and Burger King, stores count is currently 175+ restaurants with revenues of over $250 million.
- Location: Popeyes is located along Ferdon Blvd. “State Rd. 85” (52,000 VPD), just south of I-10 (18,000 VPD) in Crestview, FL. Close proximity to popular and famous beaches of Destin and Emerald Bay. Close to numerous nationally known retail brands to the trade area including Walmart, Lowe’s, Beall’s, Publix, Walgreen’s, Big Lots, Advanced Auto, Dollar General, Cracker Barrel, Hooter’s, Wendy’s, Arby’s, Waffle House, and many more.